Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Everyone Is Too Much In My Business

Sandra speaks to you directly to tell her side of the story.

When I got my new house outside I was running back and forth all the time.  I spent less time on the porch because now I had a new private place to be.

One day Bibi noticed that I wasn’t pooping in my litter pan.  She went to The Internet right away and she told it: Bunny Not Pooping.  It told her This Is A Big Emergency.  Even if we seem fine and even if we’re eating and moving, this can be the end.

It’s because we have very sensitive super fragile bunny bellies.  Sometimes, if you even give us a tablespoon of something that we’re not used to we can get all stuck.

When we get stuck we can get really stuck.  If we don’t poop for 2 days we can die.  The Internet said take bunny in to the hospital even if it’s only been 12 hours.

Bibi checked to feel for any big stuck bump in my bunny belly.

But I seemed so normal and I was running and jumping and dancing like I do every night. So she waited to see if I would poop the next morning.  At 5:30 a.m. she checked my pan.  

No poops. 

Bibi immediately called two animal hospitals. She told them all about me. They said it’s not an emergency yet but we have to see how today goes.

Then she met her neighbor Tom who was walking his dog Watson and she told him.  “Sandra may have a gastro intestinal issue: She is not pooping enough!”

Then she got to work and she told a lady named Sue.  Then she called a third animal hospital where they have more doctors who know about rabbits. By now she had three professional opinions. Then she came home and told neighbors Nancy and Emily.  Then she told her father on the phone.

All day to everyone she said: “Sandra’s not pooping enough”

And everyone said: “Goodnight Bibi. I hope Sandra poops more tonight.”

Everyone is too much in my business. I know what is going on in my bunny belly.

It’s all fine and nothing got stuck.  I just decided that my outside house is better than a litter pan on the porch.  I have my own house now so I can take care of my business in a space that’s mine. Now Bibi never has to clean anything up after me. 

And there will be more happy grass and flowers in that spot than anywhere else because of me!

Love, Sandra

1 comment:

  1. Sandra:
    Pooping is a major topic among all bunny lovers because we love you little critters so much. You have very delicate systems, so we just want to make sure that you are OK and live long, healthy bunny lives. I'm glad that you are well, because you are adorable and I love reading your stories.
    Love & bunny kisses,
