Tuesday, October 25, 2011

One Thing On My Porch I Do Not Like

By Sandra The Free Range Superbunny as told to Bibi Farber

Bibi brings me things that she finds for me and if it’s treats or good branches to chew I like it.

I want to tell you about one thing that I do not like on my porch.

One day she came home with something very silly that I don’t like and I don’t need.

I don’t know what it is. She put it on me and I wiggled out of it.  Once I got it off me from the front and once from the back even though she made it tight on me.

I hope you never see me in this again.

 If you want to walk your pet in this you should get another kind of animal. Not me.  I don’t know why she thought we would ever go anywhere with this. There are no bunnies anywhere that need this.

If an outdoor bunny saw this on me he would think it was very very funny.  I don’t know who made this silly thing.

No bunnies are ever going to hop somewhere someone wants them to because of a rope like this.

There is one thing on my porch that I like AND I don’t like. It’s my pellets. There is a kind that is really really good for me and there is a kind with some treats mixed in. Bibi mixes them when she feeds me to trick me.
 I wish she wouldn’t mix them though because it makes it harder to pick out the ones I like.

This is what I do. I tip over my bowl with my mouth and spread them all over so I can separate them easier.  Sometimes I put my paws in the bowl and splash some out.  That makes it easier for me to pick out the pellets I like and I eat them first. After that I eat the other ones.

You have to be very smart and very fast and wiggle out of anything if you are a bunny because everyone is trying to trick you!

Sandra The Free Range Super Bunny


  1. Dear Sandra, Frankly I think your 'vest' and lead is very smart looking. Maye you'll get used to it after wearing it for a while. Speaking of smart, I think you are! about searching for the food you like to eat. And it's clever of Bibi to mix your foods because then you have to work all your muscles to find what you like best. Think of it as 'fitness' eating. I'm sure that will bring you pleasure...and I know you love Bibi very much. So enjoy it all.

    Love -- Aunt Sara

  2. Hi, Sandra! Actually, some humans do take their bunnies for walks on their own property, and bunny harnesses are safer than collars for that purpose. But I'm on your side, Sandra...your fur coat is too pretty to cover with a harness. My bunnies prefer to eat "show rabbit" grade pellets. In addition to their daily pellets, they love hay, oats, high-fiber cereal, banana, crushed pineapple, greens, and other veggies and fruits.

    Looking forward to meeting you and Bibi soon, before the snow starts again. Write soon.

    Donna (aka Sugarbunny49)
